Also tired of Fake HR?

So, why & what?
It would be a lie to state that this initiative has grown on us over the last couple of years. We know Swedish HR stands strong internationally, but despite that there is not a colorful, skillset driven and disruptive HR association in Sweden. We would like to change that!
There has been a shift in the world of HR. Organisations has become more and more aware of the importance of craftmanship and strategic work regarding; talent acquisition, talent management, performance development, inclusion & belonging, leadership, change management, value based cultures and employer branding to name a couple of frontleaning HR fortes. This is what we are trained for, this is what we are experienced in and this is what we do.
But, in the same pace the game has changed from only transactional and operating HR to what is described in the long list of purposeful, inspriring, change leadership day to day – other groups have started to package, sell and claim this line of work.
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HR Summit 2021:
The Year of RE
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is high time to dare to reimagine, which is why we call to action. In the Year of RE: - Rethink, Redefine, Redesign we bring you our fourth consecutive HR Summit. Our hope is for you to get a chance to re:sponse, re:orient, re: shuffle, re:construct, re:organise and re:do
We have missed you and we sure hope you have missed us too! There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about and is generous enough to share its thoughts and experience. And in every community, there is work to be done. Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much