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Inspriation by the ones who have something to say


2019-05-06 HR the Real Deal Lab no 2: A roadmap to People Analytics maturity Read more



2019-04-09 De tar fram en hr-märkning för hållbara medarbetare Read more


2019-04-01 HR the Real Deal Lab no 1: Culture & Sustainability Read more


2019-01-23 HR the Real Deal Summit - For HR by HR Read more


2018-12-03 Studying for the sake of studying or for the sake of being prepared for the future?

Read more


2018-11-11  Employer Branding – do what you say, mean what you say, and repeat. And then repeat again.   Read here


2018-10-29   About Time to de-mystify the Mythology of People Analytics   Read here


2018-10-22   "We have a great culture here. But I am leaving!"​   Read here


2018-10-17    When everybody wins, it's not a competition   Read here


2018-10-13   To laugh or to cry, that is the question   Read here


2018-10-13   Signed, Sealed, Delivered – (Carla) I’m Yours! #TalentConnect @LinkedIn   Read here



HR Leaders
HR Leaders® facilitates connections between HR Leaders, in a private setting where they can learn about best practices from executive peers, discuss selected HR topics and share experiences

The future of work podcasts
A weekly show where Jacob has in-depth discussions with senior executives and business leaders around the world on the future of work. Each episode of the podcasts explores a new topic and features a special guest. Why is the world of work changing? How is work changing? What do you and your organization need to do about it? 

På jobbet podden (in Swedish)
Det här är podden för dig som är en modern och utvecklingsorienterad ledare. Vi vill att ledarskap ska vara kul och utvecklande. Inte svårt och komplicerat. Det är därför vi gör den här podden. För att ge inspiration och massa matnyttiga tips till dig som ledare. Allt för att göra uppdraget spännande, kul och framförallt hands-on. Så att du kan ta med dig våra tips och verktyg direkt ut i din vardag. På jobbet.

Jacob Morgan
Jacob Morgan shares powerful insights on what organizations must do to win the war for talent in today's fast-moving workplace


HR for HR 
by HR


HR Summit 2021:
The Year of RE

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is high time to dare to reimagine, which is why we call to action. In the Year of RE: - Rethink, Redefine, Redesign we bring you our fourth consecutive HR Summit. Our hope is for you to get a chance to re:sponse, re:orient, re: shuffle, re:construct, re:organise and re:do


We have missed you and we sure hope you have missed us too! There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about and is generous enough to share its thoughts and experience. And in every community, there is work to be done. Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much

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